Thirty-eight inducted into language honor societies

Teacher lights candle of student

ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú High School inducted 38 students Wednesday into three World Language Honor Societies: National Chinese Honor Society, Société Honoraire de Français (French Honor Society) and Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (Spanish Honor Society).

Congratulations to all these globally minded students! Each society is listed separately, and the inductees are listed in alphabetical order.

National Chinese Honor Society (Hua Lin, faculty adviser)

  • Patrick Bergin, sophomore
  • Hassan Carter, sophomore
  • Samina Dix, sophomore
  • Skylar Gaddy, sophomore
  • Meghan Geraghty, senior
  • Leighanna Harris-Inniss, junior
  • Naw Htoo, senior
  • Kevin Kam, junior
  • Pyew Meh, sophomore
  • Aye Moe, sophomore
  • Katherine Myers, sophomore
  • Shubham Rai, sophomore
  • Brynn Russell, senior
  • Eh Shar Blu Say, freshman
  • Zae'viear Smith, freshman
  • Christhyl Lien Tabanao, sophomore
  • Dean Tyler, sophomore
  • Helen Wunderlich, sophomore

To be eligible for National Chinese Honor Society, a student must have studied Chinese at least four semesters and have an average of B or above. Teachers also can make decisions on individual student performance. Two freshmen are inductees because they studied Chinese in middle school

Société Honoraire de Français (Jennifer Edson, faculty adviser)

  • Rachel Andrews, junior
  • Hannah Bopp, sophomore
  • Luke Gibson, sophomore
  • Lyndsey Heyliger, sophomore
  • Relani Hicks, sophomore
  • Jessica Korbieh, sophomore
  • Akshay Kumar, sophomore
  • Elyse Roepe, sophomore
  • Dorothy Sperry, junior
  • Zoey Volmer, sophomore        

Also, seniors who received awards from the American Association of Teachers of French are: 

  • Daina Cleveland – Outstanding Senior Medal
  • Ella Hallgren – Excellence in French Medal
  • Frances Paguirigan – Excellence in French Medal

To be eligible for Société Honoraire de Français, a student must be enrolled at least their fourth semester of French and have maintained a grade of at least A- for three consecutive semesters before and including the semester of induction.

Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (Taylor Grzywacz, faculty adviser)

  • Neel Chittur, junior
  • Ingrid Colafati, senior
  • Tova Gordon, junior
  • Ella Hallgren, senior (also a member of French Honor Society who received a French award Wednesday!)
  • Leah John, junior
  • Hannah Lamont, junior
  • Emily O´Keefe, junior
  • Isabella Plastiras, junior
  • Sasha Post-Lais, senior
  • Zane Sears, junior
  • Grace Ustin, junior

To be eligible for Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica, a student must have an overall average above 85, a Spanish average above 90, be a junior or senior, have at least three semesters of high school Spanish, currently take an upper level Spanish class (level 3 or higher) or completed Spanish 5, and have a record of good conduct.