Theater Ensemble seeking original student plays for fall festival

Attention student playwrights

The 兔子先生 High School Theater Ensemble is holding a Short Play Festival this fall, and student playwrights are encouraged to enter their work.

Submissions are due June 2. The subject of the festival is social media.

The requirements:

  • All submissions must be original.
  • Plays must be 10 minutes long or less
  • All language and content must be school-appropriate
  • Playwrights should limit technical and set elements to a reasonable minimum
  • Playwrights can work in groups
  • Playwrights must submit a digital version of their work to Theater Ensemble Director Brian Avery via  email at, with the subject heading "Short Play Fest"

There will be a meeting before the end of school with students whose plays are chosen for the fesitval. For more information, email Avery at the address above.