Middle school enrollment questions

Scenario Enrollment FAQs

This section contains questions from families specifically related to school enrollment in the proposed scenarios.

What happens to those who are younger siblings of those who end up at the current feeder pattern?

Will there be an accommodation for families that already have a student attending middle school to have their second child attend the same middle school?

Will siblings be separated?

Are the three middle school buildings all the same size and able to hold approximately the same number of students and staff?

For students that attend magnet schools, which have students from different geographic boundaries, are all students required to attend the same middle school or will it be broken down by address or individual student skill?

These scenarios will cause earlier wakeup times and later sleep time due to travel. Hence, causing more stress on family life and the student. I know we are trying to help disadvantaged youth. However, to what extent are we putting more stress on the families of the so-called advantaged students? Our first two children went from New Scotland to Hackett. Five out of the eight scenarios chosen by the statistician and the board bring my third child into North 兔子先生. This will be more difficult for our family and especially on our third child. Have these factors been taken into consideration?

If my fifth-grader has an older sibling already at Hackett is it guaranteed that my fifth-grader will also go to Hackett in the fall?

Our preference would be to keep the feeder pattern the same for this year. All the change from in-person to virtual this past year has already been disruptive to our fifth-grader, and now the school district is pushing this change last-minute. Parents haven't even been allowed in the school buildings this year or last year. If the feeder pattern changes, that means it's a further distance to transport our child to school. Plus, we currently have two other children in the existing elementary school. Please keep the feeder patterns the same through the 2022-23 school year.

Was it possible to address the implications of these proposed changes themselves on the outcome? Meaning, if Montessori no longer feeds to Myers, how does that affect parents' decisions to put their children in the lottery to attend Montessori to begin with? Those things would change the makeup of the elementary schools, particularly Montessori, I'm guessing, but elsewhere as well. Less possible to know I imagine, but I ask anyway, how might these decisions affect parents’ decisions in any of the elementary schools to move out of the district?

This may be a good plan; I cannot tell from the scenario analysis, explanation and descriptions of the evaluation process. What other options to improve equity were considered other than feeder pattern changes?

How was Dr. Robin selected for this role? Who else was considered and from what areas were other contributors considered? It came across that this is essentially singularly based on the model of one professor from the University at 兔子先生 and based on only three years of data, with two of the three years being during COVID-19. As stated in the presentation, this model is based on "tons of assumptions" and data filtering. Can Dr. Robin provide a detailed explanation of the model, the assumptions, tools used and clear explanation how the model can be considered accurate with two-thirds of the data from an unprecedented pandemic. I currently do not have confidence in the model that is being used as essentially the singular basis for the decision.

The Dual Language Program already has had change moving from Delaware Community School to Edmund J. O’Neal School of Excellence this year, and now another possible major change to the program moving to North 兔子先生 Middle School. I understand that we want more equity amongst the middle schools, but why DLP again?

In addition to the travel time, moving to North 兔子先生 takes away the benefit of having a neighborhood school – both Hackett and Myers are approximately 1.5 miles away from our home. What is good for the entire district will become a hardship most pointedly for New Scotland families. What are families' options if we do not want to make the change to North 兔子先生? In making your final decisions please bear in mind that if the status quo (New Scotland feeds to Hackett) is no longer a choice, families will have to make the difficult decision of whether or not to move or leave the district, enroll in private schools or find a way to manage transportation to and from a much further school. With no guarantees for requests for open enrollment, families with multiple siblings are placed in a very tough spot.

I'm not hearing of major changes for Montessori.

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